When someone is the victim of sudden cardiac arrest, their survival depends on high-quality CPR and a rescuer with an AED.

When there’s a call for help, will you be ready?


AEDs that include real-time CPR feedback have been shown to increase the survival of SCA victims by more than 2X

A recent study in Mesa, Arizona, documented an unprecedented improvement in patient outcomes with CPR training and AED's equipped with real-time CPR guidance more than doubling cardiac arrest survival - Bobrow, Mesa, AZ Study

Thats why Red Cross has more AED options that deliver this lifesaving technology.

CPR sensors and algorithms measure rate, depth and release of each compression in real-time. Talk to our Team about these life saving devices 0800233243 


When 74-year-old Minh Lengoc visited Jellie Park for his daily swim on 24 May he had no inkling that his heart was about to stop beating.

The retired scientist had spent about 45 minutes swimming lengths in the pool – as he did most days - and was gathering up his gear when he went into sudden cardiac arrest and collapsed poolside. read more

Despite being in a hurry to get to her appointment with the accountant, Paula had paused in the gym car park to make some quick phone calls. Unbeknownst to her, inside the gym Pip had suffered a sudden cardiac arrest.

Nobody saw him fall from the exercise bike, but they heard the thud as he hit the floor. read more

The NZ Coastguard worked with Red Cross to find the right device that met the challenges of the environment they operate in.  Corrosion, vibration and remoteness were all key considerations in selecting the Powerheart G5 AED, a US made FDA approved device used by military and coastguard worldwide .

With more than 2000 New Zealanders suffering a sudden cardiac arrest every year this summer the team at Countdown and Red Cross have your back with an AED in every Countdown store.

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